What to do if you eat foods not in your diet

Super AloeWe do not live in a perfect world. Those of us who eat plant base, 80% raw and 20% cooked, will sometimes slip and perhaps eat a vegetarian pizza ~ hopefully is rarely, none the less it happens. I have discovered a trick that keeps me healthy in spite of my slips.

What is my secret?

I went to NY years ago with my then fiancé, to visit his Italian parents during the holidays. I knew I would eat the Italian cookies which I had eaten as a child. I took my super aloe, 3 capsules a day while I was there for the 5 day visit. I came home 5 lbs slimmer than when I left. I am not making scientific claims however I will say this: I theorize that it moves these unhealthy foods very quickly through my digestive system as to do less damage, possibly my immune challenge as well. In other words I pooped these bad foods out very quickly instead of lodging in my system doing further damage.

Should I use Super Aloe daily?

Please do not do this on a regular basis. I don’t believe that is a healthy choice. Only during holidays etc. my super aloe product is not a laxative but aloe vera, therefore does not damage the colon as do laxatives. To purchase Super Aloe click here.

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