Anti-Aging Formula by Millan Chessman
January 8, 2018Millan Chessman Interview on Fasting Retreats
April 12, 2018When a person does any kind of extensive fast, it is very important they break the fast with careful consideration and control. To go off a fast; eat raw for 4 days after. Under no circumstance eat animal product. There was an incident of a man that had a large tumor in his body and went on a 30 day fast. During the fast he shrunk the tumor.
His 2 daughters were registered nurses and they knew nothing about fasting. They were very concerned their father was not eating and wanted to feed him. When their father broke the fast after the 30 days, they insisted he eat the food they prepared for him which was a rib eye steak and baked potato. He ate the meal and the next day he died. Guess what. They blamed it on the fast.
When you do not eat your digestive system is resting and after eating something like a steak, this is an extremely painful experience and in this case lead to death.