I had my vision tested in 1998, resulting in prescription glasses strength of 350.  Those are strong prescription glasses.

Last December I had my vision tested and the prescription strength went down to 171.  In 1998 I was 58 years old.  In 2012 I was age 73.  Yes my vision improved that dramatically!!  why is that?  What I attribute that to, is the 1 quart of organic green juice smoothies I have been drinking DAILY for the last 2 years.  Organic green juice smoothies are truly the nutrition our body needs and is lacking in our daily diet.  You cannot fool the body.  It faithfully assimilates the nutrients we get in our foods.  Remember so many vitamin pills are mostly  synthetic and don’t get assimilated in the body. You are wasting your money.  What a wonderful program of Organic Green Smoothies you receive at our fasting retreat.

Being overweight all of my life kept me on all kinds of weight loss diets, counting calories and attending weight loss meetings.   I would lose weight then gain it all back plus more.  80% of Americans are overweight in the USA and obesity gets more problematic as we age.  the older we are the more difficult it is to lose weight.  I will be 74 years old in a few months and I tell you my weight is consistently 145 pounds at 5 feet 8 inches tall.  I attribute that to my exercise, eating plant base and fasting and cleansing regularly.  it is so nice to look healthy and be happy with myself.


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