Which Is Better For Me: Fresh Green Juices or Fresh Green Smoothies?
First of all, let me share the difference. Green juices are made with a juicer and are the liquid only. Green smoothies are made with a powerful blender and contain the fiber.
I will tell you, my story. For many years I offered juices at my fasting retreat. I then had a client that stayed at my retreat and told me his story. He had hepatitis C and as you know there is no cure for this disease. He drank 1 quart of organic green smoothies for three months. He then went to his doctor and had tests done to see the status of his health condition. What they discovered was that his hepatitis C was in total remission.
I was so impressed with his story, I read all 4 books written about green smoothies. I now offer it to my fasting clients with great success. The main reason I offer it to my clients is because the fiber absorbs the toxins and fat. Most of my clients, 98% of them, want to lose weight. They are quite successful, and the inches lost is very impressive.
I myself drink 1 quart daily rotating the vegetables and my vision has dramatically improved. My vision tested in 1998 required my reading glasses to be 350. Then in 2014 I had my vision tested again and my vision improved to a dramatic 125.
Remember also when making a juice from veggies or fruits you are removing so many of the nutrients as they stay in the fiber.
I used to offer juice fasts at my fasting retreat for many years. The results are good however a distilled/purified water fast is even better. The reason is, I have found the body will start to remove impurities, toxins, carcinogens, heavy metals and free radicals more effectively doing a water fast than doing juices. People with illnesses can recover and I have seen rapid results as well as other authors of fasting books.
I have read of many people that have fasted on juices for 40 days and more quite successfully and also juice smoothies.
It is so very important to remember though when breaking a fast that long or even after 7 days one must break the fast beginning with eating raw veggies and fruits for 3-4 days after. If you break the fast-eating cooked food such as rice or beans, it can trigger one to become ravenous. If that happens watch out. It becomes crazy. All you will think of is food and “I’m hungry”. That can begin a path of destruction. One bite and off you go gorging yourself.
It is so very important to make a plan. First thing in the morning write down or commit to what you are going to eat that day. If you don’t you get the hungries. I keep raw sunflower seeds in my counsel of my car in case I am driving around doing errands and I get hungry.
If you ever blow it and you will remember to again make a plan. This is not a perfect world we live in. I remember when my husband was alive, he absolutely loved veggie pizzas. Periodically he would order a veggie pizza. I ate 2 slices with him and then I would take a SUPER ALOE which is simply concentrated aloe vera. I washed down the pizza with the super aloe and the next day out it came, which I felt did not violate my body so much. Then the next day I went back to eating my healthy foods. So, the trick is don’t keep indulging yourself with unhealthy food. Get back on the program. I want to live my life healthy, vibrant and pain free. That will not happen if one continues to eat unhealthy foods, which surprisingly people say “I eat healthy” but when you ask exactly what they are eating you find they don’t realize these foods they are eating are very unhealthy. I highly recommend the website www.nutritionfacts.com. They get approximately 1 million hits a month. This website shows the studies showing so many food choices cause cancer and so many other diseases.