Internal Cleansing

I hear at the gym with trainers all the time stating  you must eat meat for the protein. All protein comes from plant.  It is not necessary to eat animal tissue in order to get protein.  Greens, grains and veggies are loaded with protein. Human milk has the  lowest protein content.  All herbivores eat plant Read More

Cleansing Crisis

I had a client that came to  our fasting retreat who was suffering with liver issues, and lupus.  She is young and decided it was time to cleanse and detox her body.  She stayed 2 weeks. About the 3rd day of her stay she came to me, tears streaming down her cheeks in enormous pain.  I was perplexed as to Read More

The Popularity Of Internal Cleansing/Detoxification by Millan Chessman Colonics, lymphatic cleansing, ion foot spas, cleansing herbs are  the rage and hot topics in the health industry today and for good reason. The foods we are eating have hardly any fiber and nutrients, since there is so much processing of our foods.  The average American is Read More


December 10, 2009 Internal Cleansing

Constipation is a chronic condition which gets worse with age. One starts using laxatives regularly which is a poison and how they work is they convulse the colon as the body tries to rid itself of this poison and that is how the laxative works. I know of a nurse who has seen numerous colonoscopys Read More